

Raquel Carbajo


My name is Raquel Carbajo. I was born in a town in León called Santa María del Páramo. Yes, you read it right, it is a “páramo (high plateau)” it has no mountains nor river, which are two of the things that define me but, I invite you to continue reading.

My thirst for discovering, for enjoying all the new things that surround us… All in all, the concerns of a girl, have done that since a kid I enjoyed the mountain along with my family and friends, from there comes my passion for sport.

My family has been a fundamental pillar but, especially my brother, has been and still is a model.

He has been my guide, my adventure mate in every fight we faced: exams, injuries, trainings, competition, work…

We have shared each of the activities and sports we practiced: canoeing, orientation, judo, athletics, guitar lessons…

In addition, when I was 14, I went to Zamora to train in the Advance Course Centre.

Five years later, I moved to Valladolid to train in the “Centro de Tecnificación” and begin my studies in Social Education.

In 2013 I graduated as Social Educator, and I got various medals internationally in the speciality of Canoeing Marathon.

So many years of work gave some results.

Canoeing: sport I practice since I was 8 years and which has created the person I am today: that Raquel that is stubborn, persevering, fighter …

The mountain as well as the river, make the time stop, there is not world apart from that I see at that moment.

Being part of the +8000 Team is a great chance to continue with the best motivation and to be able to enjoy the best equipment for my trainings and adventures.

Believe with the heart to achieve our most desired goals.