

David Guti

I am David Guti. Born in Tarragona 39 years ago, next to the mountains Prades & Montsant, climbing and trekking paradise.

Sensations, adrenaline lover and searcher of my own dreams.

Who has not felt the curiosity of being able to fly? Is one of the first curiosities that took me to practice parachuting. I am sportive parachutist and nowadays I do not imagine a life without feeling speed. All changed when a day some days ago, the second curiosity arrived: how would be the sensation of jumping from a precipice in my favourite place and be able to fly?

I have been B.A.S.E. jumper for 6 years till now, and I can say today that I achieved one of my greatest goals. I consider myself an addict to the mountain and to climb until the highest point making a way where there is not, is an amazing sensation, but what motivates me the most is the way back, that almost always will be through the fastest way.

A good quality equipment in our ascents is important and I am going to demonstrate it thanks to the +8000 support, because now I count on the required equipment.

When your dreams on the mountain turn into your way of life is when you really feel free before jumping.